
  • Please answer and complete the components on the application form. For more information, please email All donations/fees may be paid through Paypal to Follow us on Instagram (i.hagan.famalaon.guahan), Facebook (haganguahan), & Twitter (hagan_guahan).
  • Username

  • Password

  • General
  • CHamoru woman or self-identifies as a CHamoru woman born on Guam or if born elsewhere of CHamoru ancestry, who is currently residing in Guam, and who is a person of good standing and moral character in the community. A person born and/or raised in Guam who is temporarily living elsewhere with the intention of returning back to Guam, including a person attending school and/or working off-island, is eligible for membership.
  • I Hagan Famalåo’an Guåhan (IHFG), Incorporated, as the indigenous CHamoru Women’s Association of Guåhan is founded on the collective mission to enhance, promote, protect and foster the social, economic, cultural, spiritual and political well-being of CHamoru women, girls and gender-diverse people within the overall Guåhan community. IHFG honors the CHamoru women of Guåhan as the link of their mangåffa and the predecessors of todu i nanan- måmi (our mothers). IHFG is sustained by the kåhna (spirit force) of our ancestors and our sacred connection to our lands and waters. IHFG is aimed to function on the traditional CHamoru systems of Magåhet (truth), Ináyuda (helpfulness), Fa’taotao (treat others with utmost respect as a member of humanity), Dinaña’ (togetherness), Geftao (generosity), Mamåhlao (conscientiousness/humility), Respetu (respectfulness), Inaguaiya (to be loving), Minaggem (softening of the heart), Hulat maisa (self-control), Minenhalom (wisdom), and Inafa'måolek (cohesion/promote harmony) in order to accomplish the organization's mission and implement its primary purposes.
  • I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to I Hagan Famalåo’an Guåhan membership, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in expulsion from the organization.


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